LOCTITE® Product 561 Pipe Sealant Stick is a singlecomponent, semi-solid anaerobic pipe sealant compound. Itis supplied in a self-feeding applicator stick that facilitatesapplication of the material where a conventional liquid orpaste product would be difficult to use. This is an anaerobicproduct and cures when confined in the absence of airbetween close fitting metal surfaces. This industrial grade
sealant develops controlled low strength to facilitatedisassembly. This product also fluoresces for easycoverage inspection.
This product is recommended for sealing metal tapered pipethreads and fittings, National Pipe Thread (NPT) forindustrial applications in the chemical processing, petroleumrefining, pulp/paper, waste treatment, textile, utilities/powergeneration, marine, automotive, industrial equipment, gascompression and distribution industries. It is alsorecommended for industrial plant fluid power systems.